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New Jersey & More


  1. General Discussion

    General Discussion Forum for subjects not dealing with firearms. Nothing controversial!

    Topics should be  family and work friendly. PG13. Strictly Enforced. NO Random News Links, NO Politics

  2. NJ Prepared

    NJ Prepared is a new section dedicated to those who are interested in practical prepping - UNRELATED TO FIREARMS . We are not looking for political discussions or tin foil hat conspiracy's. This is a place to share what knowledge you have and exchange information with fellow members who wish to learn what it takes to get through a disaster. Whether natural or man made. Gear reviews, Food Storage, First Aid etc... This section will hopefully help teach us the skills and knowledge needed to keep yourself and your family safe during times of distress in the state or country.

  3. Made in America

    Forum for discussion and sharing of American made goods and provided services


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